
How to Apply for your First Design Job

by Samma Studio

February 27, 2024


So, you’re thinking of applying for your architecture design job? Here’s our two cents on how to hack the system!

1. Prepare Your CV & Portfolio

Before you begin anything at all, there are two things that you need to prepare: your CV and Portfolio. A simple explanation, CV is to explain who you are; and Portfolio is to explain what you do.

Let’s begin by preparing your CV!
So, when you’re drafting your CV, you have to make sure that you leave a good impression, a memorable one. What kind of impression do you want your employer to think of you? Are you this active person who’s always joining various architecture design competitions? Are you this person who’s active in organizations? Are you this smart geek who’s up to date with all things tech? Ask yourself: who do you want to be known as? And start from there.

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Apart from that, your CV should also include your education background, work experience, organizational experiences, and other things that are related to the job. Don’t bother putting in your awards or certificates for your mobile games ventures, the employer doesn’t care a thing about that.

At Samma Studio, since we’re a little bit superstitious, it would help us when you include your DOB, since we want to check your zodiac compatibility with our team. And since we are going digital nowadays, we also check your Instagram profile, just to see if the CV and IG profile are a good match. We know it’s weird, but blame Vanessa!

What about the portfolio?

If your CV doesn’t leave a good impression, let your portfolio do the work. In terms of layout, make sure that you create something that is pleasant for the eyes — yes, you’re applying for a design company, not a bank! When you’re designing your portfolio, remember that there are several things that you need to take into account. What does the company see when seeing your architecture design portfolio?

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A. Design Style

When it comes to design style, there’s no right or wrong. Every company has their own design style, and that’s what makes them unique. So, what you want to make sure is you’re applying to a company that fits your design style. It’s like you like listening to hard-rock songs, but the company likes to create jazz songs. In a way, you can try making jazz songs, but it’s better for you to find a suitable company, and vice versa.

B. How much are you involved in a project?

This shows what you did in a project, and what kind of responsibility you take. Are you in this because you’re doing the design, or are you the rendering guy? The company knows what roles they’re trying to fill in, so you better suit their needs.

2. Apply For The Right Company

All things aside, you also should know that different companies look for different types of candidates. Do your research about the company, and find out everything that you can about the principal designers, the team mates, the company culture — to make sure that you know where you’re putting yourself into.

One tip, if it’s your first job, it would help if you follow a good leader. How can you determine a good leader? Simple. Usually they are also good human beings.

3. Great Email Manner Matters

Now that you have everything ready to go, the next step is Email Manner. Look professional by writing a good email. It requires:


A good subject will require you to tell the company what position you’re applying for and your full name.

Body Text

Not everyone opens your CV and Portfolio right away, a good body text should include a little introduction about you and why you would want to apply for the position. Not everyone opens your CV and Portfolio right away, a good body text should include a little introduction about you and why you would want to apply for the position.

Now that we’ve got everything covered, go prepare everything, and we wish you good luck on your architecture and design journey. Cheers!

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